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Dreading the Party
2001-12-07, 8:45 p.m.

Ugh, I am aggervated. I just typed a whole entry and was fixing to save it when my computer locked up and I had to restart the dang thing! UGH

Anyway it was a boring day, okay not boring jsut slower then what I have been used to lately, thus the reason I have written in this thingy about 4 times and updated my blog alot too.

Anyway Jaidyn is asleep. She didn't nap too good today, never longer then about 30 or 45 minutes which isn't long enough for her. She was so ready for bed tonight. She is sleeping peacifully though, my cuddle bug. Noah is still up though its past his bedtime. His Daddy should be home soon, and I figured he would want to see him before he went to bed. Plus figured Bri would want to see Bug too since he has to work in the morning, and becuase I am dropping the kids off at my sisters in the morning, because I have to go shopping for an outfit to wear to the christmas party I have to go to. I so am dreading it. I don't want to go. I don't want to sit i n a room with a bunch of people I don't know and I will be like the youngest there. I don't want to go!

You want to go for me?? Please, somebody, anybody??

I dislike being shy when things like this come up.

Anyway so the kids will be gone tomorrow. I miss them already and they aren't gone yet! :( Though I do need a slight break. I need a hour or so to be Robbi, instead of mommy. But I love being mommy sooo much..

Noah wants sprite. So he brings me the 20 oz bottle of sprite and a cup! lol Goofy boy. He normally doesn't get sprite at night but mommy is being extra nice, because I already feel bad for leaving him tomorrow night. He has the hiccups. Poor thing./ Oh Once and Again is on so I am gonna go watch. I like this show. and I never watch anything! :) Other the cartoons that is!

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