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Pray, Cross fingers or whatever
2002-03-20, 12:57 p.m.

You know how I want to move so badly?? Well yeah, okay I might have some good news. MIGHT, being the keyword there!

A guy Brian works with is just recently divorced and he has custidy of his 3 kids. Right now he is staying in a motel room, and looking for somewhere to live!

Today he asked Brian about our house, so Brian gave him the information he had, and then called me for the rest, and the number to our finace company! YAY for that right?

So anyway this guy doesn't have the greastest credit so its not likely but its a possibility we might have a buyer!

So can you pray, cross your fingers, or whatever it is you do that this actually goes through and we can move soon??? PLEASEEEEE!!!!

Oh and I will only say it once, but I am the phenomal women feature today! I wasn't even the one to nominate me! hehe

So yeah if you want to read it, the link is below.

Now I am gonna go and do some laundry that I needed to do earlier today! hehe and check the mail. Oh and play with my monkeys, who are having run with boxes their easter baskets came in, and plastic easter eggs! So fun for them!

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