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A month ago...
2002-08-01, 7:14 a.m.

Brian had to be at work early this morning, like 4 oclock early... Poor him.

I got up at 6:15, Noah got up at 7 and he is ready for bible school, just waiting on my mil. She gets here between about 7:30 and 7:45 for him.

Jaidyn is up early, because some dang toy kept going off in our room... sigh, electronic toys make me so mad sometimes.

Today has started off lonely, okay so it started last night. Today is the day, a month ago, that I found out our baby was no longer alive. Tomorrow marks one month since my baby was taken from my body... It makes it a hard couple of days. Really hard...

Brian and I talked about babies last night again. He is worried that if we try again that we will loss another baby, of course I worry that too, but told him that most women who have lost babies go on to have a normal pregnancy...

Yesterday, I just felt kind of down all day, and then Brian wasn't near as supportive as he normally is. He got upset that I was in a bad mood... sigh.. men sometimes...

Of course the fact that he and I were argueing about preschools may have been why he was a complete pain last night...

I should go I suppose, its 7:30 now and my MIL should be here soon...

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