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Our new house
2003-01-18, 4:05 p.m.

We got a house. We move in not this monday, but next monday I beleive it is! :)

Its in a near by town and today we went to explore the little town, since we really haven't been there much. Its really nice! right now the street from where we will live is a really nice park for the kids. We stopped today and let the kids play there. They had a blast! :)

It has newer applicances, is really cleaned up, the carpets are great, it has a big utility room,and a fenced in yard. A small yard but it does have one which is great... Oh also we can have our puppy in the backyard, and our kitty with no problems and no pet deposits! We even already have the key and have given them the deposit! YAY

So a week left and then we will have our own place! YAY us right?????

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