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leaking boobs
2003-02-07, 1:52 p.m.

My daughter is having a nap strike day.. sigh... She screams if I lay her down. I hope she knows that she is NOT giving up naps yet. Nope she can't, her mommy still needs naps somedays with this pregnancy and all.

Nibblet was more active this morning! Yeah nibblet!

Brian will be working overtime tomorrow. I have been waiting for him to get overtime, but now I am not liking him having to work on a saturday! That just makes another day for me home alone with the kids who really are driving me crazy today.

Noah has been good and Jaidyn was good until well she was supposed to take a nap and won't! sigh.. I sitll might try and get her to nap. I could us a nap..

Oh and like you want to know but my boobs are leaking again! lol! Its starting already at 19 weeks! So yeah my body is preparing for feeding this little one already! lol I still have like 18 to 20 weeks left to grow this baby!

Anyway that should be said here cause this isn't my pregnancy journal but yeah I felt like writing it here too!

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