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ugh no sleep
2003-03-23, 7:51 a.m.

I slept awful last night because Brian wasn't home :( I never sleep well if he isn't home. It sucks really it does.

I feel to sleep at about 11:30 on the couch, at midnight I woke up and went and got into bed. It took me until close to 1 to fall back to sleep and then I was up every hour after that. sigh.. At 3:30 Jaidyn came into my bed and I actually slept until 6:30 ith her in htere and not waking up! I needed someone to cuddle with!. Of course mr. noah has to wake up at 7 and want to get up. Normally he will crawl in bed with me for awhile in the morning, but not this morning. He was loud, and opened the front door to let the cat in and ended up letting the dog out in the front yard, so I had to get up and go chase the dog. Its aggervating because HE KNOWS BETTER THEN TO OPEN THE FRONT DOOR when I am not sitting right there. UGH I weas so upset that he did that!

So yeah I am up, I have a headache, I need shower, the kids will need bathes (when Jaidyn gets up, hopefully she will sleep a tad longer since it was almost 10:30 before they finally went to sleep last night, and I even put them down at 8! ugh) and I have cleaning and laundry I have to get done today.

Brian better pray he gets home earlier enough that I don't go completely insane because I am aggervated to the point of no end now...

I am tired, pregnant, have too much to do, have a headache, and my kids drove me crazy... sigh...

Oh and the movies I rented I didn't like any of them! They really sucked.. sigh..

Anyway I will go now because I am rmabling and I need to go get started on my day, or maybe go lay on the couch and try not to fall to sleep

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