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Nesting, Noah & Quiet Time
2003-05-13, 2:49 p.m.

I am so boring these days aren't I??

Sorry! :)

Anyway Noah is still at Clay's. He will be until this evening sometime. I miss him so much when he is gone but I admit I have gotten a LOT done today with just having Jaidyn!

The living room is spotless and fixed up! I finally hung some things on the walls I have been meaning to hang up for awhile now. I put more pictures up that I had been meaning to put out in frames, moved around my nik naks some. Lets see I dusted, vaccummed, mopped, and put away things that needed to be put away. Cleaned the kitchen, straightend out the pantry, and cleaned the bathroom as well.

Lots and lots done!

I still need to get into my room and work in there and of course the kids rooms, but that will be tomorrow because that is the bigger job! lol

Anyway so I am nesting! Brian came home for lunch today! It was nice! :) We only live about 7 minutes from his job so he can come home sometimes which is nice.

Jaidyn and I watched Dora this morning, played toys, and she "helped" me clean with her own rag and a spray bottle of water! She is too cute! She tried to mop too which was funny (without the mop being wet of course) She is napping now which is also nice I have to admitt!

I have had some alone time today! YAY I forgot what that was like and I must admit I do like it a little bit!

I called and checked on Noah earlier. He is doing well and he talked to me for oh about 5 seconds before he ran off to play again. He is a good good boy. He really is! :)

anyway Brian will be home in about an hour and a half, Noah not long after that, and Jaidyn will probably be up within the next hour, so I am going to go rest, or maybe go work in my room some.

I am tired but just have this drive to get things done ya know?? Maybe Chase is trying to tell me to get things done soon, because he wants everything done before he comes! lol

Speaking of Chase, he was quiet this morning but he is wiggly now! :) YAY for my wiggle worm! He seems to be active around 5:30 in the morning, 1:30 in the afternoon, 7:30 at night and 10:30 at night! lol Those are when I have noticed the most movement lately! Well not exactly those times but around then ya know??

anyway rmabling on and on and on, so I am gonna go, dr phil will be on soon and I actually like dr phil! lol

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