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just dropping in
2003-06-23, 11:49 a.m.

My little man is asleep on the couch actually. He sleeps best either right next to me or on the couch. Silly 3 day old baby boy he is.

Noah is cranky and not listening. I know he is showing his jealousy of Chase by acting this way. Poor little man. I don't really know what to do to help him other then give him attention when I can and such you know?? He loves to check on chase and hold him (finally) though!

Jaidyn is acting out too and way whiner then normal but this I expected fully! She is attached to her daddy these days and doesn't like him holding Chase at all.

It will all pass with time though. Its hectic but it will get better. I am tired but feeling good. I am in a good mood and everything!

Bri is still home right now so its great! He will be home tomorrow too and my mom and ssiter will be up wed, thur & Friday so I have help all week! YAY

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