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2003-07-15, 11:51 a.m.

Some people shouldn't have kids. Really they should!

People complained all the way through pregnancy, whined about wanting their babies the whole time, and complaining about every ache and pain and then they finally get their little blessing and they whine because they don't get to sleep or their little ones get fussy!

Oh come on people. Its a BABY! They are hard work, yes! They wake up at night becuase they HAVE to eat not because they want to annoy you. They get fussy, because they have no other way to tell you they need something. Not because they just want to annoy you.

sorry people whine and complain too much! I have 3 children and I have hard days and complain too but geez I don't hold it against my newborn for waking at night to eat because he is hungry!

Anyway all is good here. Chase is a great baby , but if you read my baby diary you know that!

Oh and Ais yeah Iam going to take a picture of Brian holding Chase like that every month like you suggested! lol That way I can see how much he grows!

oKAY jaidyn needs a drink, Chase needs to nurse so I am gonna go

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