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We're backl
2003-08-25, 7:56 a.m.

Trip went well. The wedding was nice. It was a hectic trip!

Friday I picked Noah up and got home at 3, by 3:30 Brian was home and we got busy getting things in the car. On the road by 4:30. We had to make a stop every 2 hours because Chase would wake up to eat. Poor thing!

The 5 hour trip took 6 hours but it was good. Saturday morning we got up had breakfast dressed and went to my dads house, we visited there and then they took us out to lunch. After lunch we went back to Brian's parents (where we stay) and got changed for the wedding, headed to the wedding. We left there and stopped by brian's grandparents for a few minutes. Then headed back to Brian's parents house where we changed and about 10 minutes later his brother, his wife and their kids came over, one of Brian's aunt and uncles came over and his other grandma and great grandma came over. They didn't all leave until almost 10, by then I was sooooo tired!!

Sunday morning we got up gopt packed up and dressed and then went to my sisters for a couple horus before heading off! The trip home too 5 1/2 hours but Chase wasn't happy at all the last 2!! Poor thing!

Then we had to feed the kids dinner, get them bathes, re read over Noah's book he brought home from school friday and get them in bed in time. Its truely been hectic

I just took Noah to school and in a minute I need to run to the grocery store YAY NOT! I hope the little ones do okay! I am kind of scared to go on my own with them!!

ANyway in about 5 minutes go look at the baby journal pictures there of everyone (including me! lol) (I am fixing to update that journal its not done yet)

Oh and Chase slept all not both nights we were at my in laws but woke up 3 times last night at home! WHY??? lol

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