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mumbo jumbo
2004-01-29, 6:44 p.m.

Brian got called into work last night at 7:45. By 8 he was gone and he didn't get home again until 1:30 or so this morning. Off to work again this morning early and still at work now... sigh

I hope he gets home soon. I had dinner ready by 6 and everything thinking he would be home around then...

Oh well.

Once Chase finishes nursing I need to get Noah's shower going, bath Jaidyn and then Chase. Clean the kitchen from dinner, listen to Noah read to me and then by then it will be the kids bed time.

Its always something

tomorrow I am going to my sisters and running a few errands and then saturday is Jaidyn's 3rd birthday! WOW is she really going to be 3???

Oh and you know what?? We have been watching American Idol last week and this week and Noah and Jaidyn love to hear those people sing. Anyway we saw a clip of a show and Simon was on there and Noah said "Hey that is Simon from American Idol!" lol Too cute!!

And then I was watching a show and a man on the show was blind and I was telling Noah how some people's eyes don't work and they can't see and that is called being blind. He had tons of questions for me about it. When I thought he was done because he turned around and walked down the hall, he turned again said "Can't he just get new eyes?" lol I had to laugh! Then he wanted to know how you saw other cars when driving if you were blind!

My boy is full of questions!

Chase was holding on to the chair, and the couch is a little space away from the chair and Chase grabbed the couch and successfully went from the chair to the couch without falling!!! He is cruising all the time now! I am scared! :)

Oh and I fell over a toy today in the hall. It hurt. I feel hard. I didn't see the car, it slide under my feet and I fell on my elbow (ouchie) and my hip. It hurt./ badly!

That is it. Need to go get things done or I never will!

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