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another entry
2001-10-29, 7:21 p.m.

Okay so this is the 3rd time I have wrote here today! lol Sometimes I write alot and some times I barely write! I guess tha tis how we all are. I laid JAidyn down at a little after 7 she was ready for bed. It was early but atleast it was 7. Normally its 7:30 or 8 before she goes to bed. Oh well we have to get up early tomorrow anyway to get Noah to school and such! Noah is playing with his action figures. He is having them beat up the stuffed animals. Goofy kid. I am holing the stuffed animals so I am getting beat up toO! lol He is too cute. In an hour he will go to bed and within an hour and a half Brian should be home....

Anyway I just thought I would drop in and sya today has gotten better. Kids played good this evening and Noah ate 3 plate fulls of spaghetti. He never eats too much so when he does I get happy!

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