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Greatest Job/New Layout Again
2001-11-13, 10:16 p.m.

Okay this is nite nite entry. I am tired and for some reason I have been in bed by 11 a lot lately. That is so not like me. I am a night owl majorly, so going to bed early is odd and has always been rare for me!

I am happy about my layout here! YAY I was very glad to see it turn out the way I had hoped espeically since i have been working on it for awhile now and jsut hadn't gotten it right until now!

My babies are asleep. My beautiful babies. They are so sweet and cute. There are times I don't always think they are so sweet and cute but overall, they are great. Being a mommy is the must, interesting, hard, satisfing, frusurating, rewarding job there is, and I get the joys of experiencing it!

Anyway I was just thinking about my children and my life and its great!

Brian is great too. He is asleep. Poor baby works so hard these days. With school and work, he gets worn out, but still manages to play with the kids, and do things with them! YAY Bri! He is a good daddy!

anyway tomorrow is awanas night. I think, even though Noah loves it, that I am going t pull him out of it there, and try to find an awanas program closer to home. I am going to keep him in school there because I go there during the day anyway, but the evenings is jsut too hard. By the time we get home its late and the kids are behind on our nightly stuff. You know just to complicated.

Anyway I am going to bed, I have wrote enough for tonight

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