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kids and early mornings
2001-11-14, 7:36 a.m.

Good morning! Mornings have been coming way too early lately! UGH Oh well its the life of a mommy right?? Bug is still asleep but Little Bit is awake and ready to go for the day! lol She is playing with an empty cereal box! lol Kids don't need toys just boxes! lol

Anyway nothing major planned for this morning. Tonight is noahs awanas and I am taking him tonight. Though I think after this week I am going to find an awanas program a little closer to home. We get home too late from this one, since its so far away (45 minutes) and its in the evenings. With him having to get up early for school on Thursdays its hard to have him run behind on wed. nights!

Anyway I was sitting here thinking last night and some this morning, after readying MIA'S entry about the G&T programs, I am not sure what I think about them. I was in then when I was younge,r and I think that when I first started in them it was a nice challenge, but then everyone expects more from you and it makes it harder.. Ugh decision i will get to make sometime during the time my kids are in school. Thankfully though I have a little time!!

I have descovered, Bri and I don't have a lot in common on the ways we think kids should be raised and such. He and I don;t agree on most things!

Like I wanted Jaidyn to be born at HOME, like her brother way, just planned this time... Well he wouldn't go for it, though if Little Bit had been turned the right way she probably would have been born sooner and probably at home since she was born only an hour or so after getting to the hospital! lol

Anyway Bug is up and wants some hugs and kisses and mommy cuddles so I am gonna go do that!

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