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babies, babies. babies
2001-11-18, 11:13 a.m.

Babies, babies, babies everywhere. Yesterday when we went to town I saw tiny little babies everywhere. I am talking TINY. Makes me want another one, but I should wait?? Right?? I mean Noah is 3 and Jaidyn is 9.5 months, if I were to get pregnant now, I would have a new born 18.5 month old and a 4 year old when it was born! My hands would be full! Brian doesn't want anymore though, so I guess I couldn't have another one even if I wanted to.. sign..We don't agree on too much of anything when it comes to kids. I am trying to get him to understand why I do things the way I do, but he is all for spankings, and all that stuff. I am not for all that really...

Oh well just another arguement! lol

Anyway today has been okay. Brian changed the oil in my car and is cleaning out the shed, Noah is running in and out and playing. Jaidyn is naping and I have cleaned and done laundry so I am playing on here for a few!

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