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In Law Rant
2001-11-17, 10:01 a.m.

Its 10:02, only 10:02 am. This is going to be a long day I can tell. Bri is at work, like always, Little Bit is naping and Bug is watching cartoons and playing with his toys. So over all its kind of quiet around here, which is nice. When Bri gets home we are going to go to town and get his huntng lic. UGH I can't beleive he likes to shot poor little animals. That is one thing I will never agree with him on. Now to some day convince him that my son won't go do that too.. sigh... another battle that will be...

Anyway maybe we will rent movies agian tonight. That seems to be a weekend tradition! lol Next week is thanksgiving, and I have a lot to be thankful for this time! I get to go see my family! YAY I miss them, its been about 4 or 5 months since I have since my mom, dad, sister, and my nephews. Oh and my brother too! lol :) They haven't seen Jaidyn at all since she started crawling and pulling up. I hate that they have to miss all the important things in my kids lives :(

My in laws live in the same town where my family does, so I will have to go see them too. UGH. I will live I guess. Its just, well, they seem to think they are more important then my family. When we go down they want us to divide our time between, them, my family, and their extended family. Yes I love seeing Bri's grandmas, aunts, uncles, and cousins, but our inter circle of the family is more important.

Anyway that is rant I will stop now. My MIL and I don't exactly get along the greatest. though I will say its getting better, and I guess after 5.5 years of being in her life, she should be getting used to the fact that I am not going anywhere. I love Brian soo much more then she ever gave me credit for. (You know I got pregnant on my own just so Bri would marry me. Like yeah right, I beleive it takes two of us right??) When I got prengant with Noah I was told I should be ashamed.. ashamed of what? My presious blessing from God?? Never! I never ahve been and never will be ashamed of my child. He was given to me for a reason! Though now she makes sure to tell me how he looks nothing like me and only like Bri (I guess that blows the I got pregnant alone theory out huh? lol)

Okay okay sorry I get on a rant when it comes to in laws.. Just don't get me started on Bri's brother Jason! lol

Oh guess what? i cleaned my kitchen today! Didn't just clean. Scrubbed, disinfected and everything! lol I was in a cleaning mood when I got up! YAY for me! lol Not that my house is every too dirty or messy, but I hate spending forever cleaning a room!

Well I am going to work on my web site again now. I have Jaidyns page done and thats it, so I have a lot more to do!

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