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SHOPPING and Santa
2001-11-27, 6:34 p.m.

Well it was a good and cold day! It was too cold! lol Its in the 40s and supposed to be 30s tomorrow! COLD and RAINY! Winter weather all around us, but probably not here they say, which is good, cause last year it iced at this time and we had no power! But Aishy I do want the snow again, just not until later cause it will just ice here right now! lol

I went shopping today while Noah was in school. JAidyn and I that is! Just us girls in a mall! LOL I got a new pair of shoes, they are nice shoes I think! lol I got Jaidyn a cute longsleeved onsies shirt, noah a power ranger shirt, Jaidyn the sully stuffed little monsters from Monsters Inc (cause she chewed on it) and Noah a couple things for his stocking for chirstmas. Oh and Jaidyn meet Santa! It was too cute. Here is the picture of her with Santa

Here is one of Noah in his power ranger shirt

And here is my cuties being silly (Jaidyn that is)

I am hungry! Waiting on dinner to get done now! The kids are playing and Bri is playing with them

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