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winter wonderland??
2001-11-27, 6:26 a.m.

ITs getting cold! We should miss out on all the winter weather this week, I hope. I have to drive Bug to school today and tomorrow and I don't want ICE all over the roads!! Its supposed to rain and storm again. Well okay it was supposed to storm yesterday, we were under Tornado watches even, but nothing really got us other then a little rain, so maybe nothing major... Though I do want it to snow again this year, like it did last year on new years! We had snow on the ground for about 3 or 4 days at that time. I just don't want the freeze we had last decemeber, when it was frozen and power was out i nLongview and out here for 2 to 4 days depending on the area..

Anyway yesterday we went to go visit my friend for awhile, during the tornado watch, just to stay out of the house. It was sunny and not even cloudy the whole time we were under the watch.

Today Noah has school and JAidyn and I are going shopping. Noah and I need new shoes! Plus its time to start looking for soemthing for Bri for christmas. SIGH.. He is so hard to buy for because he wants tools for work and those are expensive, because he needs presice tools.

Anyway I am dressed and ready and at 7 I will get Noah up and ready. 7:10 and I will get Jaidyn up. We have to leave at about 7:20 or so. I need gas and then we have to go to my sisters, to pick up my niece for school. PLus give her presents my family sent back with me.

YEs this is the sister,I had wrote about before.. I will fill you in later..

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