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one of thsoe days
2001-11-29, 5:58 p.m.

What a couple days I have had! UGH YEsterdya I went to visit my friend, Misty, in Kilgore jsut to do something. When I got there she was calling the doctor to take her oldest (he is 6) to the dr. When she got him there they ended up admitting him into the hospital. He had sever strep throat and phnomonia (sp?) So I stayed with her little ones at her house last night while she was at the hospital with him. Anyway we found out he would be there until ATLEAST Sunday night, so I have the two little ones here at home with me. Please pray for Caleb. He is scared and not doing any better today. When out of the oxygen tent today for no more the 5 minutes, he was turning blue. Poor thing...

Anyway this morning no had school it was wet and cold! Yesterday it stormed all day, today he was just cold and at about 2 when I was heading to pick up Noah, it snowed for a little bit. Not much just a few flurries but it was neat!!

After I picked Noah up from school I went by and met Misty at her house and she got me clothes and stuff for her little ones, and then she headed out while I put the stuff in the car and got the kids all sitting and everything. Well when I went to start the car, it wouldn't start. After about 10 minutes of trying to start it and 4 screaming kids I went and used a neighbors phone and called Brian. Who then told me his truck was at home not at work with him, because his brakes went out! UGH So if its not one thing, its another. He was getting a ride home some his friend from work brought him over and they jump started the car and now its working fine. Brian got in the car with us and we headed home. Oh and while in the car Brian showed me our pay check, which I thought was going to be tiny because of the fact that he took vacation and such last week for thanksgiving... Well it was a LOT MORE then I thought becaise we got our bonus check! A really really really nice one too! lol So I am happy about that! That means christmas shopping! lol

Anyway I have to go make something for the kids to eat and then make something for brian and I. We are eating steak and I know none of these kids will eat it. Noah doesn't like it, Samanatha (3 in January) is picky and doesn't like meat, and Zack (almost 2 (in just a couple weeks) will gag on it! lol

Anyway I need to feed them!

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