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Remembering High School
2001-12-09, 8:07 p.m.

Behind Enemy Lines is a good movie. I know because we went and saw it today at the movie theater! YAY We actually went to a movie, and out to lunch at Casa Ole. There was a cute little girl there and she knew how to say the color purple in Spanish! She was too cute... And we went a looked around in Best Buy and were both glad we don't have credit at the store, or we would be in debt for forver..

THen we went by walmart and bought a few grocieries and extra things. We got Noah a shrek night light! He will love it.

Where are my baby's? They are at my sisters still. I miss them, but Bri wanted to study in peace tonight and I needed to get this house done, like from top to bottom. Basically moving everything, and doing everything imaginable in this house.

I am picking them up first thing tomorrow which is good because I talked to Noah on the phone a little bit ago and it made me miss him more. Of course he told me he loved me and he was having fun. He is too cute... My sister has bought them toys from what I hear, so they are happy!

Anyway Brian has his finales tomorrow. YAY and then he is out of school! YAY YAY YAY> That means he is on DAYS at work for GOOD now! YAY

Okay reading Mia's journal made me think about high school. I was shy, never did anything because I was too scared too. Had small groups of friends, though I had friends in every group (the preps, the jocks, the band nerds, you know everyone) I like people for who they are not what they wear or look like, which has always been a good thing for me.

my favorite time was my junior year when I was in cosmotology, That was where my best group of friends were. There was Sandy, Mike, Keisha, Sarah, Jessica, Lacy, Donna, and a few more. Sarah was my best friend (she is how I met Brian, Thanks Sarah! lol Though I know she isn't reading this)

I did home school my senior year because I dreaded school. I wish I had gotten to be there now that I think about it, but I did what was write for me at the time. My shyiness hurts me in a lot of ways. I miss out on a lot because of it. I dreaded that christmas party, and wanted to dress just right and everything so no one would think anything. I worry too much about what people think about me. I am working on that though! I keep things in that I don't share with ANY one at all. Well Okay Bri knows everything, well most of everything that is... I will say I loved going to college and when I worked, even if it was just at walmart when I was 18. I had friends and lots of them. The whole Automotive crew used to take lunch breaks just to eat with me! lol It was too neat. I had one guy tell me I shouldn't be engaged and that I should be going out with him. I also got asked out alot (even though I was engaged already). I worked with a woman who I loved being around. She reminded me of my sister. I saw her in March and it was nice to see her, and introduce her to JAidyn at that time because she had already known Noah. I haven't seen her since though :( I miss people. So many people have come and gone out of my life. Like Laura who was my best friend from 2nd grade until high school, and then there was Dixi a friend in high school, and Sarah who was my best friend until I moved up here with Bri, and there was Richard, my best guy friend in the whole world who I have known for FOREVER. Ryan, my ex. Ron, Kayla, Giles, Steven and other adults who ment something to me. Man there is a huge list. But everyone moves on and people do come and go. Some you get rid of, just becaue they aren't good for you. I have done that a few times with Betty, Melissa and a few others. I just wish I had a really good friend, like I always used to have. I have always had atleast one really good friend in my life and now I really don't, I do have friends just not ones I trust with all details in my life...

Anyway rambling.. need to work on being more otugoing so I can have more friends... Oh and did I tell you all that most of the younger guys Bri works with are very nice looking guys! lol I noticed that last night! lol

Anyway rambling again...Need to clean now

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