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The last day..
2001-12-31, 4:50 p.m.

The last day of 2001, and also the day my baby girl turns 11 months old. Almost a year old already... This last year has gone by fast, almost too fast...

Lots of things have changed in the last year, of course having Jaidyn was the biggest, and having to get used to have two kids, Brian going on days was a nice change, and well things have just gotten better over all

Today has been a good day. My dad, sister and the 3 boys are here. They got in yesterday right around 1 pm. We went to the grociery store today, and the boys (my sisters 3 are 12, 7, aand almost 5) they bought games for their new gameboy colors and gameboy advance (the oldest got that one) with their money. And Noah bought a video and an alain toy he wanted. Though they really didn't need toys again!!

Anyway we also got snacks and stuff for the kids, because we were running out. Its cold outside but SUNNY and PRETTY out. It may snow though in the next day or so! I would like that! snow is nice and we don't get it often. We got 3 inches last year on this day! Just a year ago! We haven't had a ice storm yet this year (knock on wood or something that we don't) which is nice because we lose power with ice storms! Not with the snow though!

Anyway I am hoping for snow!! I am sure Aishy is hoping for it too huh?

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