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baby like / unbaby like
2002-01-04, 7:54 a.m.

I think my diary has turned into Noah's potty story!! lol Well I will say this and then get on with it. Noah didn't want to wear pull ups to bed, so he wore underwear. I just expected him to have a accident since he is just getting good at this, but no he woke up dry, his sheets were all dry, and before I could tell him, he was in the bathroom going potty on his own first thing this morning! YAY :) So proud of my Bugster.

Okay so I told that story and am moving on. 27 days and my baby turns 1! I still don't know if I like that or not! Still no teeth, and no walking. Its weird for me since Noah had 5 teeth and was walking for a couple months by his first birthday. Though I try not to compare them much, its just different you know?? I remember Noah at this age, he started walking at a little before 10 months old. So by his birthday he was walking GREAT and steady. He was also eating things poor Jaidyn can't have because of the no teeth thing! lol And he just seemed older. He wore 2T clothes (man he was a big 1 year old. Jaidyn is just not in 12 months and a very few 18 months clothes)

Its amazing how unbaby like he was at 1 and how baby like Jaidyn is. I like it though. I have gotten to enjoy her being a baby more, because she has been one longer! Noah just wanted to be older all the time I think! lol He was more into mastering skills. Jaidyn is more into seeing what things are! I love it!

I have gotten to see the world from both different sets of eyes of my children. Amazing, thing. Truely amazing.

Speaking of my children; they want breakfast so I need to go make them something to eat...

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