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Sicky Boy
2002-02-17, 2:51 p.m.

Did you all have a good weekend??

Mine had its ups and downs. Friday I took the kids over to my sisters, and then came home and cleaned a little until Bri got home. Then we went and filed our taxes. We are getting a good amount back, so I am happy! We get it on March 1st! Just in time to pay off bills. YAY Then we went out for dinner and came home. We were in bed that night by 9! wow we are party animals huh?? Saturday we got up at about 11 and I called to check on the kids. My sister said Noah had thrown up that morning, but was fine from then on out. We thought maybe he had ate too much or something. So anyway with my sister assuring me he was fine, Brian and I headed to town and went looking around at trucks. It was nice to look and all and we found the styles and such we liked best. It will be awhile before we buy anything though! We went to the grociery store, and spent too much money and then came home, unloaded the grocieres and such, before heading back to town. We went to Red Lobster for dinner! YUMMMY We had a long wait for a table though!! So we ate and were going to go watch a movie, but there was about 1.5 to 2 hours until the next showings of everything, so we just came home and watched a movie on Directv. We watched A Glass House. It was pretty good. We went to bed a little after midnight.

We were up by 9 this morning cleaning the house and then went to pick up the kids. My sister said he had started feeling bad again that night, she gave him so medicine and he went straight to sleep. He woke up this morning throwing up again. Poor baby! That is why I never like leaving him. He was sick and needed me and I wasn't there. Though I know my sister took great care of him, I just know I should have been the one with him. :( Anyway she said Jaidyn was great and everything! YAY Now we are all home. Noah is laying on the couch watching power rangers, Jaidyn is fighting sleep, and Brian is half asleep in the chair. I am pretty tired myself now!

Anyway it was a good weekend, but I feel bad for Noah getting sick and me not being there. Its hard enough for me to leave them as it is, and then he gets sick and I feel really bad. He had a fever a little over 102 earlier, but its down now, thankfully. If he still feels bad tomorrow I will call the doctor and get him in..

Anyway just my little update for you. Later when I get a chance I will write more about stuff Bri and I talked about and such

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