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Converting Slowly!
2002-02-20, 3:09 p.m.

You know when Brian and I met, he told me his family was moving away and we decided to just have fun, and be friends. Yeah, that worked out huh? hehe!

We met on March 8, 1996. I would link you to that entry but I don't remember when I wrote it! ugh Oh well, you love me, so you'll forgive me right?? Of course!

Anyway back to the purpose of this,we met on March 8, 1996 and by the end of that night, I really really liked him. Over the next couple weeks he called on and off, and one day he calls and say, "Hey you want some company" and I was like sure and asked when he would be there, since he lived 15 minutes away. Then he said "Look out your window." So I did and see my him sitting in the little red ford ranger he had at the time, grinning at me! He had called from his parents cell phone, which they insisted he keep with him while driving around and such!

So we saw each other that day, and we went to the mall with my friend Sarah (who was dating Brian's brother) and Bri tripped over a slippery when wet sign! hehe that was too funny, but not as funny as they thought it was when the whole clothes rack fell off the wall when I was looking at a shirt on it! I was so embessed!

I rmeember us talking about things on the way back from that mall trip, about what we should call each other. Neither of us wanted to say we were dating, because well he was moving. BUt thats exactly what ended up happening. By the time he moved I was completely in love with him. We had considered trying to get pregnant, just so he would have to stay with me. Thankfully we didn't do that. Getting pregnant for a reason like that just isn't right, especially at 17!! :)

So okay, we used to go to the beach, and he would tell me to look at other guys, so I would be able to forget him, when he moved, and then he would get depressed. We spent days just talking and holding each other. I remember him telling me things he had never told anyone during those times. Or laughing about his corny jokes at 4 am when we both should have been asleep, because school was the next day, but we were still on the phone! hehe!

Or the day my brother caught Bri sneaking out of my house in the morning, so we skipped school and went to his house, since his parents were out of town for the day! And then as we were trying to get me back home before my dad noticed I was later then normal, we locked his truck keys in the house! hehe that was too funny too, now that I look back at it!

When he finally did move, we both cried. Bri doesn't cry much, but he cried then. But we didn't give up. With about 2 phone calls per week, me calling him once, and him calling me the other, and 3 letters a piece a week, we kept intouch quite well.

We argued, disagreed, faught, loved, laughed, and shared in those letters, phone calls and sort visites we had. Over all though we loved each other enough to make it..

Then finally in May of 1997 I moved up to his house and lived with them while waiting for August and my dorm to open for spring, and while finding and getting a job. It was so weird to be with him every day. We had seprate rooms, and all that, but you know, just seeing each other daily, after your used to going a month or more, is weird, but it was great too.

Then I got pregnant with Noah, and his parents just made me feel uncomfortable after that, so I moved back home. Bri wasn't around for most of my pregnancy, but he did come for some dr. appts, and came down every couple weeks to see me and such. We had Noah,7 days later moved to the duplex up here, and then got married 2 weeks after that! It was quite a ride, but I am glad we hung on for it.

Since we married he and I both have made our mistakes and there are things I wish I could go back change, on both of our parts, but those things have also made us stronger and our bond together greater.

Why did I think about all of this today? Not sure, maybe its because I was thinking of the mistakes we made, and how wonderful and amazing it is, that we are as close as we are now, and that we made it this far, dispite everything else.

One day I may tell you about all our problems, but probably not. They are in our past, and I am not good at reliving them. I just press forward and go on with life, knowing that everyone messes up sometimes (including Bri and I! hehe) and that we are stronger and more knoweldable about married and such since...

Anyway if you didn't read about Noahs dr. appt yet, its before this one, incase you want to. I need to go change my daughters diaper and while I am doing so I will curse my hubby for not letting me try the cloth diapers I want to try! hehe

Oh well with the next one we will do it ALL my way! hehe :) I am converting him, just SLOWLY!!

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