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just an day
2002-02-21, 7:31 p.m.

So I posted earlier about Noah's surgery as a baby and now I will tell you about our day!

It was pretty normal. Noah woke up sick sick still. No fever, but coughing up a storm and he threw up twice. Mostly just that phlem stuff in his throat. Poor thing! Then he got up and played! OH MY that was nice to see him play, for the first time in about 4 days! I was so happy!

He played until he started feeling bad again, and he throw up again, and went to sleep on the couch. For the first time in about 4 days he rested peacifully. Really peacifully. I mean no restlessness, no open mouth, and all. Just real peaciful rest for once. He slept for about 2 hours. Jaidyn slept for about an hour of that time, so I played on here a bit, but not too much.

So he woke up from his nap kind of cranky and sick feeling. He throw up again, and then has been fine all evening, until tonight. Just about 15 minutes ago he started coughing and has thrown up about 3 times. Mostly because he actually ate, and that phlem stuff.

Jaidyn was cranky most of the day too. I sure hope she isn't getting sick. I don't need two sickies in my house! Please! hehe. I have a scratch throat, so I hope I don't get it too...

We had chicken friend steak, mashed potatoes, and gravy and green beans for dinner. YUMMY stuff there...

Well Noah is whining about something so I need to go check on him and HOPEFULLY get him in bed soon

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