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Good Mood This Morning
2002-04-11, 6:14 a.m.

Good morning all you happy people! lol Actually I hope your sleeping or just getting up because its early.

Though I know Ais is still awake! lol You need sleep girlie! :)

So yesterday I told my mom about Speck (that is what we are calling the baby for now)and she reacted the way I figured. She was upset and tried to tell me I would be tied down, and I was yong. Blah blah blah. Its my life. She had four kids, I can have three. My life is for my kids so I don't find it being tired down.. Maybe I am wierd to her or something because I love being a sahm. She is more of a career woman herself.

Anyway no matter what, I am happy about Speck and though Brian is worried about the money issues of having another and making time for another, with his busy work schedule he is happy too! We even glanced at baby stuff in the store yesterday! hehe

Anyway we went to town last night, after Brian had worked out i nthe yard, the guy came to pick up the truck and we ate dinner. So actually we went kind of late, but that is okay because we had fun! Brian bought a rake, for outside, some car wash soap stuff, and something else... We bought the kids a sand set of toys, since we have a bunch of sand and dirt in our yard, and with Brian working outside a lot it gives the kids something to play with... I got a knitting kit! COOL! Now if I learn how to do anything but cast on will be the question! hehe

So yeah Noah has school today and so that is what I am doing today! Taking him to school then sitting at my sisters and knitting probably! lol

Have a great day out there all of you wonderful people! (Why am I in a good mood at 6:20 AM??? lol)

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