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updating on our week
2002-05-03, 7:21 a.m.

I haven't written in a couple days. Sorry!

Lets see, Wednesday was awful! The kids got into everything and I spent the day cleaning up after them and wishing the day was over. IT all started with powder all over the kitchen floor! Thank you my sweet baby Jaidyn! lol And it ended with me puking thanks to morning sickness in the evening! lol

Yesterday, Noah had preschool. He had fun I think anyway. He loves going. I am kind of sad for him that I have to pull him out 2 weeks before the end of the year, you know?? I packed some last night, but not too much or enough! lol Brian wants to take a load of stuff down this weekend. THe kids and I had planned to stay home, but with all these storms and stuff coming through I don't know if we will stay or go with him.

I am up early today, and the kids are both still asleep. Kind of peaciful in a way, but kind of wish I was asleep still too! lol I think I might go crawl back into bed for a bit with the kiddos. Not sure yet..

People who tell me good news are so cool! hehe I love when everyone is pregnant at once! hehe :) Thats all I am saying!

So yeah back to bed for me, and I promise to try and write a little more, but with the hosue for sure sold, and us moving so quickly its hard to have time!

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