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First Load
2002-05-04, 1:04 p.m.

Brian took Noah with him to take the first load of our stuff to his parents. Sigh... Its so quiet with just Jaidyn and me. ITs kind of nice to just be us girls, but I miss my guys you know??

They will be home tomorrow... sigh in the afternoon at that. I wish they were here still...

Anyway we are storing our stuff at his parents until we get a place and everything....

So yeah I hate staying at night by myself. Drives me nuts, but I suppose I will live. I will just put little one in bed with me like always and cuddle, though normally if Brian isn't home, I normally put both kids in my bed...

Maybe I should go rent a movie or soemthing?? I don't really feel like going anywhere though.

I have packing to do. I don't feel like it. I had a tooth ache last night that kept me up all night! sigh.. I was sooooo tired whe nI got up this morning..

Anyway Jaidyn took a short nap today and that is it. I hope she takes another one sometime today becasue I could use one myself...

So yeah this is boring so I will end this thing...

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