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busy busy
2002-05-26, 6:19 p.m.

Busy busy! That is what I have been! Friday my mil and I went looking for houses, then yesterday Brian and spent the day figuring out what to do about someone having hit his parents truck while it parked infront of my dads house. Sigh....

Then we went to get a couple things Brian needed for work, and today we went to church. Noah was awful though and talked through the WHOLE service! He knows better but I reminded myself and Brian that he was only 3 and its hard for him to sit and not talk for that long!

After church we came home and I was supposed to get a nap, but Noah woke me up and I never could fall back to sleep!

At 4:30 Brian and Noah left to go fishing with Brians dad and brother and his brothers step son, so its me and Jaidyn here with my dad and brother...

Tomorrow we are supposed to have dinner with Brian's parents, so that should be nice. Tonight I just had a sandwich. I don't really feel too well today...

Well I should go for now, I need to get back to taking care of my munchkin!!

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