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Family Stuff & Belly, Kid Pics
2002-06-18, 2:09 p.m.

Okay so I am not upset today. To heck with everyone. I am 23 years old, and live my own life, no matter what they think...

Brian and I are happy about this baby. We love our children and the experiences they have brought into our lives. I love staying home with them, teaching them, playing with them, learning with them. They are my joy and my life. I don't care about career or working right now, I am doing the most wonderful job in the world right now. God gave me two beautiful children to raise, and is helping my newest little one grow inside of me. That is precious no matter what anyone says!

Just so you know, I am 15 weeks today! YAY 5 more weeks and I am half way! Its going by soooooo FAST!!

HEre are two Belly pictures. Those of you who have seen pictures from like 13 weeks will see a difference! hehe

And because I love them so much, here is a picture of two of the most important people in my life:

They are adorable aren't they??? Of course they are. If you have seen pictures of Noah before you can tell he got a hair cut! Very good one too! Oh and I cut Jaidyns bangs, first time they have EVER been cut, any of her hair at that!! I saved it of course!

Kids and Iwent to walmart to buy a cord so my computer is hooked up next to this one. I have this one (Bri's parents) for the internet, and mine for everything else! hehe I love it!

Noah got a puzzle, and he is good at it! He loves puzzles. Then we went to McDonalds, and picked up food. Noah wanted it and I don't do much like that with him so we went. He got a stitch toy in his happy meal and reminded me he wanted to see that movie. I think it comes out this weekend, and Brian nad I will take him! :)

YAY So okay yeah I am gonna go

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