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Really Big
2002-06-20, 3:08 p.m.

Today is pay day! YAY I like Thursdays, it is thursday right? hehe

My sister and her youngest (5yo) came over today. Her middle son, (7 yo) is off spending the day wityh a friend, and her oldest (13next week) was staying home by himself... We had a good day, Noah and Zach played great! Jaidyn was cranky but she just got her 7th tooth and is working on number 8! WOW poor thing. Had no teeth at 12 months, and in the last 4 months has gotten 7 and working on 8!

I am finally starting to think about baby names.... I am 15 weeks and 2 days now! YAY :) I feel huge too huge. In my u/s's I had before, I only saw one baby but as big as I am now, I feel like there should be more then one in there! lol

I found a midwife in the area. I need to call her and find out more aobut her and such. I Will do that tomorrow. I have been busy the last day or too and haven't been able to callyet

Anyway my back is killing me from this chair so I am going to go sit with hte kids in the living room!

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