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Longest day of the year
2002-06-21, 2:25 p.m.

Today is the first day of summer, isn't it?? I think so. Boy its been hot here already, but normal for Texas? right? :)

They also say today is the longest day of the year because of the sunlight last longer too.. hmmm. With my day, I am ready for it to be bed time already! lol

Yesterday Brian actually got home easrly! YAY it was so nice! We went out to eat, and Jaidyn was good, but Noah wouldn't eat and talked way too loud! sigh... Then we rented movies from Blockbuster. Black Hawk Down (Brian's pick) and I am Sam (My pick. We watched his last night and it was okay, but gross! ugh I am not big onm all the blood and stuff in movies. We will watch my movie tongiht! YAY

Jaidyn had tandrums yesterday! UGh. She is so much more high maintance then Noah was, but I love that about her too, even if it drives me nuts soemtimes. It was after 9:30 before she finally went to sleep and then around 12 or so Noah was in our bed with us and awake for awhile!! It was a long night

Today hasn't been too bad, but JAidyn's had a couple fits and Noah has been clingy. Not sure what is wrong with him, but I know with Jaidyn its her teeth!

Well I need to go for now... Not sure what I will do until Brian gets home with the kids. Jaidyn is napping, but should be up very soon I figure..

Oh did I tell you Brian is watching our two and my sisters 3 on Sunday so my sister and I can go watch a movie or something? WOW so nice! and my sister enver gets to go anywhere without her kids, so I know she will really enjoy it!!

I want to take Noah to Lilo and Stitch too, it came out today...

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