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Oh my I am tired
2002-08-23, 9:40 p.m.

If your on an email loop with me then you have already read this because I was lazy and copied and pasted it! lol

Its been a busy day! I got up at 7:15 this morning, before the kids got up to get an early start. By 9:30 I had feed them breakfast, given them bathes, and got them dressed. We left the house soon after to head to walmart to pick up a few things we needed. Jaidyn got cranky in the store and was hitting, throwing things out of the basket and pulled my hair! sigh... I was about to just come on home, but I needed to go by the grociery store for a couple things, we HAD to have... So we leave walmart and head to the grociery store. SHe starts off good there but by the time we leave she is crying and having a fit! sigh...I had told Noah I woulld get him mcdonalds, so I go by the bank and get cash and then to mcdonalds and order food.

Then we finally head home. Once at home, I bring them in and get them sitting down eating, while I carry in all the grocieries and the stuff from walmart. In between all of this my mom calls and askes is I minded company. I say of course not and tell her to come on over.

So I hurry up really quick get everything put away and try to straighten up the house before she gets here! I got it half way decent but it still wasn't clean clean.

Anyway so my mom and I play with the kids and just visit with each other. It was so nice! I haven't seen her without having my sister or someone around since we moved down, so that was good. Then Jaidyn took a nap and my mom and I worked on a puzzle.

She left at about 2:15 (she got here at 12 or so) and I came in and played on here for a bit. By 2:45 Jaidyn was up and I started to clean the house. I did the dishes, folded the laundry I had just sitting in the basket, did another load of laundry and folded it, found places for things we didnt have put away yet, cleaned up the kids toys and their rooms, orginized the drawers in Jaidyn's dresser, and the clothes on Noah's shelves... Then I dusted all through the house and cleaned the counter in the kitchen...

When Brian got home, he took the kids outside and I made baked potatos, chicken fried steak and peas... then had to wash the dishes, do bathes for stinky dirty kids (brian did that part thankfully) and fold more clothes!

Then had them brush their teeth and it was bed time. Of course bedtime consist of a book, a drink of water, a bible story, and a prayer before anyone will go to sleep!

Now I am tired and ready for bed myself! lol :) Oh and we got our puppy Sparky from my dads house so he is in our back yard! YAY!!! Scout has a collar with a little bell because he keeps hiding or getting lost and meows and I have trouble finding him! lol

Anywya the kids were pretty good, after Jaidyn was a terror in the store... Oh and Noah is counting down until his birthday now, he is excited! Just a little over 2 weeks until his birthday! (Aug 10) and just a few days before Jaidyn is 18 months old! WOW okay so I am rambling and am going to go now!

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