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2002-07-28, 6:46 p.m.

ugh just wrote an entry to have it disappear into lost entry land. UGH My blog is doing that too, sigh...

Anyway Brian is working late again today, and probably tomorrow night too

:( WHAAA! Oh well, he said by Wednesday, he should be working normally again. I hope he is right, I miss him when he works so much.

Noah had fun at bible school. He was shy my mil said, but he did good! YAY. He won't tell me much about what he did, but I do know there is a boy named Travis in his class! lol He talked about Travis and that is about it!

Jaidyn was so un Jaidyn like this morning. Not moody, not cranky, not demanding. She was quiet and content! It almost had me worried about her! lol But it was nice to play with ehr and have time for just her...

My mom came over after Noah got home from bible school, and my sister and her boys came over too. My mom taught us more in crocheting. She taught us the granny square she called it! lol

Here is a picture of somethings I have made or am working on since my mom started teaching us to crochet:

The pinkish thing, is the granny square I made today. I used the double crochet stitch for that. The little blue thing, is what I use for a coster at my desk and its done in half double crochet. The purple strip is the first row in the blanket I just started on today!

I need to scan some knitting projects for you guys too! lol I am just all into my yarn projects! lol

I have done well today on eating healthy. Trying to lose those few pounds I gained while pregnant. Its hard to have motive to lose them, without anything to show for them... sigh... I will lose them though, and heal emoitionally a little more, then we will try for another baby, not to replace the one we lost, but to have another little person to love and hold and teach...

I should go clean up some from after dinner and do bathes, I need to get the kids to bed by 8:30 tonight since Noah has to get up early again in the morning for bible school

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