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Finally Preschool
2002-08-13, 10:17 a.m.

Happy birthday, yesterday to TJ and annversery to Jason and Kelly! :) Sorry okay I forgot them all yesterday. Well I didn't forget, I just didn't write about it here...

Tj is my nephew and he turned 7 yesterday. Jason is Brian's brother and he and Kelly have been married for 2 years as of yesterday I think...

So yeah, nothing exciting. Got Noah into preschool yesterday! YAY He will go Moday, Wednesday, and Friday for now. If he does good then I will put him in for 4 days, Monday-Thursday... So anyway he is excited and I am for him!

Then we went to my sisters. SHe had two extras so there were 7 kids in that house! 6 of them BOYS! lol Poor Jaidyn the only girl. Of course she almost always is the only girl, since my sister has 3 boys and no girls!

Brian and I went to the store last night and bought a few things, and by his brothers house cause he made a knob at work for his brothers boat (in my photolog you can see the knob my hubby made that he was sooo proud of!)

So anyway, yeah we got home intime to put the kids to bed. We discussed maybe trying for a baby in October and maybe getting a new computer! YAY Nice to atleast talk about these things.

Kids got up at normal times today, not too early, and not late. We have had a quiet but busy morning. We have all had showers/bathes, I have done laundry, done the dishes and cleaned up some. Oh and I did a little bit more to my blanket...

So I am gonna go try and call my sister back. I was on the phone with ehr when someone else called, and after a few minutes I just hung up...

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