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Family time
2002-08-17, 7:22 p.m.

Happy saturday fellow diarylanders. Okay so yeah, I am being corny. forgive me...

Its been an okay day. This morning we went down to the beach and just looked at the water and such, then Jaidyn started having a HUGE fit and throw up. Poor thing..

So we got her home and cleaned her up and she was fine... Kids are fun huh?? I was worried about her because she never just screams for nothing like that and then throw up for no reason. But she did this time!

So she took a nap and Brian and I vegged out infront of the tv while Noah played with his toys and such. It was nice. I never vegge out watching tv, so it was a change.

Then I did the dishes and cooked dinner. We just ate. While I cooked Brian took the kids out to play in their little pool... I am gonna post pictures in a minute in my photo log... If you read this within an hour from now (7:22) you might wanna wait a bit if you want to check them out at the photolog!

We are watching baseball right now. Brian likes to watch the astros, and I don't mind it, because I can do this and he can watch that! lol :)

Brian and I have gotten along so well lately. Such a sweet guy he has been. Maybe he is being nice cause our annversery is coming up?? (Sept 5th) We have known each other for 6.5 years now and married for almost 4! WoW Time flies when your having fun...

There have been times I have wanted to straggle him, but mostly he is great. Hard to beleive we have such a good relationship even with our long distance relationship we had, the surprise pregnancy, Noah being born, then us getting married after all of that. We didn't have much of a chance to get used to each other before having a baby, but we have done well!

I love him and the kids soooo much. Can you tell its been a major family day around here??

Well I need to clean up and do the dishes from dinner

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