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My Preschool Boy
2002-08-25, 10:39 p.m.

My baby starts preschool tomorrow. I am excited for him, but sad too. In a way I don't want him to go, because I want him with me for as long as possible. But I know my very shy child needs to be out and around other kids. Once he gets to know them he will really enjhoy himself, just like he did last year as his other school.

Remind me that when he cries when I leave tomorrow okay??

He always cries the first week, and then he doesn't anymore, and he always has fun once I am gone and stops soon after.

He has been excited all day. He went to bed with no problems and can't wait to get up and go to school. Maybe he won't even cry this time?? or maybe he will becuase he doesn[t know the people there well yet, but he knows he will have fun like last year...

Yep I am mommy and I worry, mostly because last year her had a friend he already knew and his cousin in his class. This year he won't know anyone.

Wish me luck in the morning. My sister is staking us to ake him because Bri will be at work and have my car, since the other broke down, so will have support.. :)

Look for pictures of my boy on his first day of school tomorrow okay? :)

Time to go to bed, since I have to get up and get moving in the morning. Oh and incase you forgot or didn't know he goes from 8:30 until 12:30 Monday, Wed. and Friday for right now. Hopefullty after we see how this month goes we will be going 4 days Tue-Friday. Wed is chapel day soI am excited he gets to go to that and learn the bible stories more and such too! And Fridays are spirt days and they wear their schoool shirts! YAY for him getting to do all that!

He will like it, and mommy will enjoy time with Jaidyn, once we both get used to the idea of him being away, even if for a couple horus and for a couple days... Just think next year he will be getting ready for kindergarden and I think I will really have a hard time them!

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