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Picking up things
2002-09-10, 11:37 a.m.

Been busy! I have done some laundry, returned movies, went to walmart to buy cleaning supplies, cleaned the bathrooms and the kitchen, dusted my room and the living room, and need to go make the kids lunch soon.

Whoo I am tired! lol I need to vaccum but I will do that after they have lunch and such. No big hurry...

I LOVE having my car back. Yep I do :)

Tired, that is what I am... I need to crochet some today and I want to read. I hope I get to do one of the other or maybe if I am lucky both?? Nahhh that doesn't happen with kids! lol

Noah has an additude! A Major one these days. sigh... Jaidyn is just cute like always! :)

Its funny what kids pick up from other kids, I can tell already things that Noah is saying now and such come from other kids because I have enver heard him say some of them! Nothing bad thankfully, just interesting to learn how he is picking things up for the other kids..

Speaking of kids mine are chasing the Scout giving him kisses.. Too cute...

I need to go make lunch, mhy kiddos will think they are starving if I make them wait much longer! :)

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