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Kitty banner
2002-09-09, 4:44 p.m.

okay the kitty on the banner that is up right now (well is up for me right now) has a kitty on it that looks just like my kitty! Awww

Noah had school and had fun! YAY

My sister and I went to walmart, and I bought costumes for my kids for halloween for several reasons. I normally never find anything in their sizes when its closer, I had the extra money right now and I know later it will be spent instead of used on them and because they had only one in the size Noah needs in the one he wanted (she showed me a few days ago) so we got it while I was thinking of it, so I went ahead and got Jaidyn one too.

Then we picked up Noah and Jaidyn took a nap when we got home.

I called my MIL back because she had called while we were gone and foound out Bri's car is FIXED! YAY it can be picked up this afternoon,so yay I have a car again! YIPPY!

No more having to wait on people to take me places, not being able to go somewhere when I want! Just YAY

Oh and my MIL and I talked for like 2 hours! We talked about everything. Isn't it weird how things change?? 6 years ago we couldn't stand each other, 4 years ago we just tolarated each other, and now we can talk on the phone for 2 hours! WOW

So yeah no AF yet. I suppose since I had two AF cycles last month is why I have not started yet. I had one 4.5 weeks ago, and one 3.5 weeks ago. If I don't start by the end of the week I may test, I don't think I am, but we did bd (not ttc but just because) and you never know...

So anyway I am rambling ... Oh I made homemade chili and cornbread last ngiht yummy! Makibng Lasagna tonight !YUMMY

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