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broken car again
2002-10-11, 4:36 p.m.

Brian's car broke down again. Yep this morning,it broke down and he got a ride back home and took my car again. UGH

So my sister took me to take Noah to and from school. And now since he has to fix the car today, his paycheck is still sitting at his work and will until monday when he can get there and get it, so it will be Tuesday before we can get that check! UGH UGH UGH.

Tomorrow I do that thingy with the pictures and video for the police department. My mom is picking me up at 8:30 Blah... I will be gone until like 3 and that will be a very very long long day away from myh kids and for Bri to watch the kids.

Anyway I have had a headache all day today. I sure hope I don't have the same all day tomorrow! ugh..

Okay need to go wash laundry and such

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