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Wedding Day for Daddy
2002-10-26, 7:52 a.m.

My Daddy is getting married today!

I am excited and sad. I suppose I feel like parents do when their children get married in a way. Happy and excited for them, but sad too, to know they are moving in a different direction and kind of belong to someone else, you know??

But I am excited! :) YEAH!!

I got up at 6:30 this morning. Bri went to work around then and I couldn't sleep so I laid on the couch and finished a book and read some out of my new pregnancy book by dr. sears.

I have a week by week book I got too. I want to get a couple other dr. sears books, but I may just see if I can borrow them form the library because this may very well be my last pregnancy and baby :( Kind of sad at 23 huh??)

Happy birthday to Aishy's mom! Its a happy day, with birthday for her and my dad getting married. I will update later about the wedding and share pictures either in a site or in my photo log later :)

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