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Dr visit from heck
2002-10-10, 3:19 p.m.

I will NEVER NEVER NEVER take the kids to the doctor myself again! EVER!

At first it was fine. They did great playing while did all the filling out papers and they did good while they weighted and measured them..

Noah is 4 (of course) and weighs 41 lbs and is 41 inches tall

Jaidyn at 21 months is 28 lbs and 33.5 inches tall

Then the dr looked over Jaidyn and she did great with him. She played with him and everything.

Noah on the other hand, was awful when the dr touched him! He doesn't like strangers to mess with him and this was a new dr and he didn';t want him near him!

Then Jaidyn had to have her 18 month shots because she hasn't been to the dr since we moved and such and got our new insrance all togehter. She got 3 and didn't cry until the second one, and as soon as I picked her up she was fine..

Noah hated his 4 year old shots. He had 3 to get too and screamed. He does this hold your breath thing when he screams like that and the nurse and I were trying to make him breath, which he finally did...

Needless to say I am glad its over! The dr was nice and good. I liked him, and the nurses and everything, but I hope its a long long time before I have to take my kids back alone! lol

Thanksfully now Jaidyn is napping and Noah is playing and resting on the couch. I think I am going to go lay down for awhile, because this mommy is tired and stressed and needs rest!

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