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Sick Girl, Teeth Suck, & Job News
2002-11-21, 6:54 a.m.

Jaidyn is sick, my tooth ache comes and goes isn't life grand??

Well I have been holding off for awhile to tell you guys but guess what?? At the end of December we are moving.

Where you aasked? Back to Longview. Brian's job here isn't going well. Head management came in and fired Brian's boss, and now its a matter of time before they either cut pay or get rid of more people. There are no other good job around here for him, he has looked. Its just too small of an area.

So when we talked to his old job (that he loved and misses) and his friends up there, we found out we can have his job back, pretty much the pay we are getting now, and all of the vacation he earned in his almost 5 years there back (which is 12 or 13 days). Plus I will have insurance coverage imdeitally when he starts. So no lap in coverage this time.

So Dec 28th is his first day. Right after christmas. He will move up there and try to find us something. I will stay with my in laws here for a month (or however long it takes him to find something) or I will go up and stay with my sister for that time. We will just have to see how it goes.

I can't beleive we are moving again!

I know you guys have to wonder I how I feel about moving, but I am okay with going back. I do love the area and miss the big town. I have a sister there and a couple friends, that will be there for me.

And yes its been nice having all the family kind of close here, but its not much different either. I am not wih them that often, I don't always talk to them each day, so its no big deal really.

The biggest problem I have with moving is Noah's school. He will have to leave his school and I know know know how much he loves this school and how much they have taught him in just the short amount of time he has been going there.

I will have to find something up there as good for him. I worry about his shyness though because changing in the middle of a school year is going to be hard on him. But like Brian said, better to do it when he is in preschool then when he is in kindergarden and in real school ya know?

So yeah there is my news, now I need to go make Noah's lunch for school.

Someone tell my tooth to leave me alone? UGH I ONLY have teeth problems when I am pregnant! UGH UGH UGH

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