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more on job stuff, and my cute kids
2002-11-21, 10:00 a.m.

I posted early, so you might want to read that for this entry to make much since.

Thanks Ais, yep we will have to make it a point to get together once we get moved back up that way.

Amy, thanks, and it is the best thing to do.

The job there is secure, we know they will always be in business (unlike the company he is working for now), we know we will make the money we need to to support our family (esp. with the new baby coming), we get his vacation back, so he can take off when the baby comes, and they are making sure I get my insurance coverage right away since everything that happened before.

So over all its the best thing to do. I will miss my family and Noah's school, but my husband will once again love his job, like the people he works with, have the job security that makes him feel better about being able to support his family, which will make Brian an over all happier person and I want that for him. He hates his job here and the only other places around her for him to work in his line of work will either make him take a pay cut, or wouldn't be secure either.

Okay so I just reassured myself that I was happy about this decision. Now to tell my parents and sister here. They aren't going to like it. Not after knowing I am pregnant again. Brian's parents know and they understand. Brian's dad says we have to do what we have to do for us. I love that about my in laws.

Sometimes I kick myself for having disliked them for so long, because they have been the greatest. Who was in the ER with me the night I found out we lost the baby? Brian's Mom. Who was there when I had the D&C? Brian's mom. Who helped with the kids while I rested as I was supposed to? Brian's mom. Who is going with me to my appt next week? You guessed it Brian's mom.

You would never know we used to literly hate each other. She never liked me and I tried to like her, but it never worked until the last year or so. Amazing how I am actually thankfully for that woman.

Oh Jaidyn is so cute cute cute. We were watching Blues Clues and when Joe said (I still like steve better ugh) Blues Clues and did his hands (you know where you show all ten fingers and such) she says "Bue Cue" and does the hand thing! Sooooooooooooooooooo CUTE!

And Dora the explorerm she loves that show too. She says "backpack" lol Tooo cute and dances to the "we did it" song! AWWWWWW I love my sweetr little girl so much.

Just so ya know she is feeling better so far today. Still not doign much but that is good for her anyway, she needs to rest to get better, but no fever! YAY

Noah is at school. He has show and tell today. He took a spiderman toy. He had it all picked out last night and excited about it. tomorrow he gets to go make pizzas at a pizza place.

Okay rambling on and on and on and on so I am going to gom, and if you don't understand the first part of this entry just read the one before it okay>? It explains everything

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