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2002-12-12, 6:53 a.m.

I need to go to the grociery store today and guess what????? Its thundering and lightening out there! sigh... I may have to wait on that but I really really need to go if we are going to eat dinner tonight! lol

My jeans are too tight so they aren't buttoned ugh, but I tried maternty jeans yesterday and well yeah they are HUGE on me so, nope can't do that yet! lol (11.5 weeks along for those of you keeping up)Anyway I will save all the rest of the pg stuff for my pregnancy journal!

Its lightening bad out there. I am just glad its not thundering to loudly becuase it will wake up Noah. He doesn't like thunder.

Am I awful for not having told all of my family we asre moving again yet? I know they will be upset and I hate to do that too them. I mean we moved down here 8 months ago and now we are moving back up there away again. I have to tell them today. I do, I do, I do. At first I was going to write them emails, but yeah, I thought that might be rude, but then again it would save me from their intial reactions which I have a feeling will be awful.... sigh... HELP

Noah has school again! Of course. Tomorrow evening we are all going to my grandmas. Brian, the kids, my mom, my sister, her 3 boys and we will meet up with my other sister and her two kiddos so it will be fun. I have a cousin there who had a baby in Oct, and I can't wait to see him. My cousin Nicole (who had babies around the same time I had my other two and was due Dec 25th just a couple weeks after my angel babys due date) just had her baby a week or so ago. I am kind of nervous about seeing her and the baby, because well it will remind me what I don't have anymore. My angel baby....

Of course if I had just had or were fixing to have my angel baby, I wouldn't be having nibblet. and well I am quite attached to nibblet already so that I am happy for.

oh yeah, they are saying therre are sever storm warnings for a near by town, sigh.... I don't want nasty storms.

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