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shoirt entry
2002-12-13, 11:04 a.m.

short entry for now, maybe more later too but I wanted to update.

I got the sweetest card in the mail uyesterday from my son! His class went to hte post office a few days ago and they mailed us chrismtas cards! Too cute

We are going to my grandmas tonight. Well the kids and I are going. We are following my mom and my sister i think. I hate that I have to drive becuase I don't know the way there, but that is a whole nothing story. Ask me about it later!

We will be meeting up with my other sister and such there.

Brian was supposed to go but ended up haviung to work which was fine for him anyway, it meant he woujldn't have to be around all us women! lol

Anyway I am packed and readybut we aren't leaving until 4 when my oldest nephew gets out fo school!

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