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2003-01-03, 9:30 a.m.

I am tired. Why I am not sure. I went to bed by 10:30 last night but Jaidyn woke up last ngiht which isn't normal for her and kicked me for about an hour before going back to sleep. When she finally went back to sleep it took me awhile to, and then before I KNEW itBrian's alarm was going off and I was wide awake again, so I read for awhile and then finally fell back to sleep, all at about the time Jaidyn was ready to get up for the day! NOt fair! lol

Noah JAidyn is up, Noah is uo, and my nepohew TJ is up. fun fun. They are watching cartoons right now though...

Nothing really on the house hutning hunt. We go out today again to look and such and see whjat we see and call reality places. I really want to rent for awhile. Brian wants to buy, but I am not ready for that yet again!

We have been arguing about that for a couple days now, but we will come to an agreement soon I suppose~

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