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Made an appt
2003-01-07, 2:37 p.m.

Okay so I made a dr appt for Monday with another dr. I want a midwife dang it, but my husband is a big butt about it.

His mother is so anti midwife and it rubbed off on him. It makes me so mad that he won't even go once with me to one and see what he thinks. He drives me nuts. I know that is all baby related but I needed to vent here where not everyone can access it about that.. sigh

I also called and think I have a preschool for Noah, so I have to get his stuff together (birth cert. shot records) and go up there and visit it and such.

So nothing exciting. Jaidyn is napping. My niece and nephew had school today. My niece is home already, her pre k class goes half a day so she gets home at 11. My nephew is still at school. He gets home at 3.

So this morning it was just Noah, Jaidyn, my sister and me. We did nothing.

I have laundry to do. I took a day off from house hunting because I didn't really feel like messing with it today. We did a lot with that yesterday. And plus I had to make phone calls and of course I kept putting them off and putting them off and putting them off, until not too long ago.

So I am going to go now

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