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Brian's birthday
2003-01-21, 10:14 a.m.

TOday is Brian's birthday. He is 23 today! YAY Brian! lol From now until my birthday in March we are the same age! lol

He already says he doesn't want to get any older. sigh... like 23 is really old???? lol

I am going to make him a cake later so when he gets home from work we can have it! :) He isn't getting anything else yet for his birthday except for something the kids will make for him if we have time. Since we are moving money is kind of tight until we get in and such yeah know????

Oh Noah and I had a funny conversation this morning it went like this:

Me: You know what today is??

Noah: No

Me: Its daddy's birthday

Noah: What are we going to get him?

Me: I don't know but we are going to make him a cake

Noah: I think we should get him a Bob the Builder cake becuase he likes tools!

lol it was too cute! I laughed! He is so big these days. He asks about the baby in my tummy all the time and he was there and saw me passout that day so he was all worried and such about me and the baby. When I go to my dr appts, he always asked how it went and how the baby and I are.

Of course he watches way too much baby story and such because he asked me about where the baby comes out at, if it will be gross or if they will have to cut me to get the baby out!

4.5 is fun, it really is. Sometimes he drives me crazy, but really he is so smart sometimes it amazes me.

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