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bri is working late
2003-03-04, 4:37 p.m.

Brian is working late. UGh I hate when he works late. He is saying an hour or two longer at work and he has already been there 30 minutes past when he normal gets off. It sucks, and to think he called me after he had already been working late. sigh...

We all took a nap around here. Even the cat and dog took a nap with me, Jaidyn and Noah. Noah is still asleep, so are the dog and cat actually. Jaidyn is playing in her room and I guess since we aren't going to be leaving the house to run to the store yet that I will just sit around and find something to do. Maybe fold the laundry I really should be folding...

Brian said we wwould still go to the store, but I don't know if we will or not, because he may get off too late. Oh and he is going into work at 4 am tomorrow. yay NOT! Jaidyn always wakes up when he gets up and leaves so its going to be a long day tomorrow for me too. Over time is nice, but dang this sucks

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